David Gregor De Bono
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E' nato ad Attard (Malta)  il 16-4-72.                                                    
Ha  conseguito  il diploma  dell'A  Level  (settore                                                   
Parla e scrive  maltese,italiano e  inglese,con                                                   
discreta conoscenza anche dell'arabo e del francese.                                                   
Usa  il computer con cui gestisce la sua vita                                                   
Attualmente vive a Roma, dove ha studiato presso                                                    
l'Istituto Europeo  di  Design, conseguendo il diploma                                                   
di pubblicitario.   				                                                  
Ha    lavorato   free-lance    a Malta e in Italia                                                   
per l'azienda pubblicitaria "Studio e Immagine"                                                   
ad Arezzo.                                                  
E'  pittore, grafico, scrittore e attore,  prediligendo                                                    
il genere surreale e fantastico giammai privo di                                                   
connotazioni realistiche, con spruzzi di ironia e                                                   
di alto divertissement.                                                   
Come  grafico ha illustrato la copertina del  libro                                                   
I Quattro volti dell'Apocalisse di Gennaro Francione inedito                                                   
a causa di un editore  filibustiere che non ha mantenuto i                                                   
suoi impegni(c'è in corso causa).                                        
Ha anche composto   i  disegni  interni di Violenza alle                                                    
donne  di  G. Francione e F. Scala (Casa Editrice GEE-Roma,                                                   
febbraio  '92).                                    
Ha  lavorato  con il giornale "In-Nazzjon  Taghna"  di  Malta                                                   
illustrando vari articoli per la Festa dell'Indipendenza  del '91                                                   
(Titoli: Idee nuove; Artisti; Sports; Volontari).                                    
Come scrittore ha pubblicato articoli sui giornali "The Times",                                                    
"Il  Grande  Progetto", "Il-problemi  tllum".                                                    
Ha pubblicato con Francione nel luglio '91 il libro                                                  
2000 e non più- 2000 -  Le profezie  della                                                    
fine del Millennio per  la  Nuova  Editrice Spada di Roma,                          
ma soprattutto:                                    
VADEMECUM DEL CONSUMATORE (CONTRO LA PUBBLICITA' INGANNEVOLE)                                             
(Tattiche e strumenti legali per difendersi dalla pubblicità ingannevole e comunque cattiva)                                              
- Lupetti - Milano, ottobre 1994(Ristampa 1995,www.lupetti.com).                                             
<Cfr. http://www.criad.unibo.it/%7egalarico/ATUALITY/spot/bibspot.htm   
www.peoples.it/jura/adg/catalogo/industr.html; http://trock.fabula.it                                                 
Come  attore  ha partecipato a  film e a varie                                                   
piéces teatrali prima  fra    tutte  quella  del 1990                                                   
presso il Teatru Manoel "Woman  in  a dressing-gown",      
"Don Camillo" nel 1997.                                  
E' appassionato di sport e fotografia.                                   
 Ha  svolto  attività di interprete d'inglese  in  campo                                                     
commerciale nell'estremo Oriente.                                    




Curriculum Vitae








Name               David Gregor De Bono

Address            85, Rudolph Street

                        Sliema   SLM14


Tel.                  21 334 409  /  21 335 140

E-mail              davidgregor@yahoo.com

Age                 30                        Date of Birth    16/04/1972                        Identity No.       261272 M

Sex                  Male                 Marital Status  Single                           Passport No.   467363






1982 -1988            St. Aloysius  College, Malta               (Sciences)

1988-1990            G.F. Abela Upper Lyceum, Malta            (Physics, Pure + Applied Maths)

1990-1994            European Institute of Design, Italy            (Diploma in Advertising & Art Direction)

1997-1998            Art & Design Center, Malta                (Diploma in Art & Design)

2000 -  ?            University of London, England                        (BA Philosophy) - by correspondence

2002 - 2003            JPS Advertising, Malta                            (Cetificate in Graphic Design)






Ordinary Levels  Maltese                        English                         Italian               Chemistry

(1987-1988)                   French              English Literature            Arabic               Biology

                                    History              Mathematics                 Physics                        Religion


Advanced Levels  Physics                        Applied Mathematics



Diploma                      Advertising  -  Art Director

(1990-1994)                   Followed a 4 year course in advertising at the European Institute of

Design in Rome, Italy, the subjects being:-

Marketing                      Visual Basic                      Advertising

Copy-Writing                      Psychology                      History of Advertising

Art Direction                      Photography                      Audiovisual Production

Promotion                      Accounting                      Fiscal Organization

Computer Graphics           Total Advertising           History of the Image

Graphic Advertising           Color                                 Production




Animator, cartellonist and scenographer in a tourist village “Le Castella”, next to the island of Capo Rizzuto, Crotone, Reggio Calabria, Italy, Summer 1992.


Illustrator and Graphic Designer for an advertising agency in Italy under the special guidance of the Institute Director of the European Institute of Design, prior to my advertising thesis, 1994.


Art director for an advertising agency “Studio Immagine” in Arezzo, Italy, 1993-95.


Draughtsmanship and artistic impressionist with Carm Lino Spiteri & Associates, Malta, 1996-97.


Autocad with architect Wallace Farrugia, Malta, 1997.


Cameraman and animator for the television program ‘Caqlaq’ shown on Television Malta, 1998.


Sales Representative with “Model Toys Ltd”, Malta, 1998-99.


Free-lance work in advertising and interior design with Designwise.


Barman and waiter in various pubs and establishments in Malta and Italy.


Receptionist at Hotel Plevna, Malta, 2000-01.


Animator and scenographer in a tourist village “Baia d'Oro”, Torre Mozza, Ugento, Salento, Italy, Summer 2003.








Illustrations for a book by Logos Editrice, Roma, namely   I quattro volti dell’apocalisse.


Illustrations for books by Casa Editrice GEE, Roma, namely             Violenza alle Donne

Delinquenza Giovanile

Violenza negli Stadi and DomineDracula.


Cartoonist and scenographer for a tourist village in Italy, Le Castella.


Acted as P.R.O. for some organizations in Italy and in Malta


Worked as an Art Coordinator for various leisure activities in Italy and in Malta.


Artistic impressions for ‘Carm Lino Spiteri & Associates’,   Vivaldi Hotel” in Paceville

Hamrun-Sta.Venera” project     

Marsaxlokk” project

      Qala/Hondoq ir-Rummien” project,

      and others.




1991:            Publication of Due mila non piu’ due mila - Prophecies for the end of the millennium, a

book for Nuova Editrice Spada, Roma, Italy.


1994:            Publication of Vademecum del Consumatore - contro la pubblicita’ ingannevole, a

book for Lupetti Editoria, Milano, Italy. (www.lupetti.com)


Literary articles for The Times of Malta, Il-Problemi ta’ Llum & Il Grande Progetto.





1990            Woman in a dressing gown” at Manoel Theater, Malta.

1991     Alice nel paese delle meraviglie” at Teatro delle Ampolle, Rome, Italy.

1992     Various theatrical pieces for the touristic village “Le Castella” in Southern Italy.

1994     Extra as prisoner and pirate for the film “Cutthroat Island”, filmed mainly in Malta.

1995     Various parts in small films held at The University of Malta.

1997            Peppone’s part in “Don Camillo” next to Narcy Calamatta, at Argotti Gardens, Malta.

1997            Appeared in “Ipokriti”, a television series for TVM (worked also in the audio).

1997     Model in a television advert for Lohombus Bank.

1997     A small part of “actor-Jesus” in a television series for TVM, “ir-Ronnie”.

1998            Animator for the program Caqlaq for TVM.

2003     Various theatrical pieces for the touristic village “Baia d'Oro” in Southern Italy.




Business interpreter of English in the Far East.


Murals & Paintings for discos + entertainment.


Imported 60’s and 70’s clothes and leather jackets from Italy selling them in the

shop “Flower Power”, in Sliema, Malta.





Maltese            -            fluent

English            -            fluent

Italian              -            fluent

French             -            moderate

Arabic              -            moderate





Travelling, reading, writing, painting, acting, football, tennis, cinema, computer, internet.

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Last updated: maggio 08, 2005.